EIN #46-3767095
Support The Columbus Diaper Coalition
Your generous, tax-deductible donation to Columbus Diaper Coalition keeps us running and growing! The need is great. Your financial donation increases our buying power allowing us to buy 2-3 times more diapers! Through our network, we utilize our bulk discount to buy diapers by the pallet, sometimes delivered in semi-truck quantities.
Make your donation stretch further and donate today!
Other Ways to Donate​
Purchase diapers by using our Amazon Wish List.
Shop at smile.amazon.com and select Columbus Diaper Coalition as your charity. Amazon will donate .5% of your eligible purchases to us. Click Amazon.Smile to link us!
Link us to your Kroger Plus Card and they will donate a small percentage of your total spending to us. You keep your points; Columbus Diaper Coalition will receive a donation! Access your Kroger's rewards account here: Kroger Plus Card
Donate diapers! We accept sizes newborn to 7, pull-ups in all sizes, swimmers, and baby wipes. Buy new or donate your child's open packs! of diapers and pull-ups; unopened packs of baby wipes. To donate diapers, locate a diaper drop off location in your area by clicking here.
Critical diaper need are sizes 5 & 6, pull-ups (any size) & baby wipes.
The Columbus Diaper Coalition is a not-for-profit organization, organized under the laws of Ohio, recognized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Columbus Diaper Coalition maintains a charitable purpose towards its partner agencies. There are no shareholders nor profits distributed.
Donations made to The Columbus Diaper Coalition may be tax-deductible. Please speak with your accountant or tax adviser.
Please visit our page on Guide Star for more information.